Voiceover recording and answering machine
Voiceover recording and answering machine is one of the services provided by “DoMinanta” audio recording studio. If you need to record a male or female voice for an audio clip (or an ad), then we will be more than happy to help you. We will fulfill all your needs, as we have a huge database of actors that can speak in English, Russian, Polish, Lithuanian. In the area of voice recording, record studio “DoMinanta” is constantly doing business with partners from United Kingdom, Poland, Latvia. This helps us to develop our abilities and that’s why we can offer you so many great possibilities in the area of voice recording, as well as answering machine recording. Looking a special voice for your project? Call +370 68055228

Voice recording in “Dominanta” recording studio
Our voices.
Giedrius lt
Ekaterina lt
Emilis lt
Živilė lt
Dovydas lt
Akvilė lt
Kenneth en
Ekaterina en
Julius en
Živilė en