Audio Mastering
After the process of mixing, the next and final process in music record making is audio mastering. The final result of mastering is master copy, from which the record is distributed. Audio mastering (sound design) has three main stages: mounting, coordination and production release.
Mounting is the process when separate tracks are added to the release with pauses or not (depends on what the client needs). The records with noises are cleaned.
Coordination is the second process. The sound is improved till we get the result we need according to dynamics, clearness, the frequency levels between different tracks are evened. If the mastering process is done with a record that already sounds good (had good recording and mixing), then mastering only could make the record sound even better – the biggest advantage of professional audio mastering is that it will help you stay ahead of your competitors. If you want your music record to sound like the most respected artists of today, then audio mastering is definitely what you need.
What is more, it’s important to now different types of mastering. The most popular type of mastering is digital audio mastering – it happens when sound engineers use software plugins, such as compressors, limiters, equalizers, exciters and so on. The other option is analogue mastering, when professional sound engineers use real devices and engines – this type of mastering has more abilities and is more technically difficult, that’s why your records can sound exclusively. Even though we work with analogical mastering, sometimes we add some software plugins, to meet the client’s needs. Our main principle is using high-quality real devices and combining them with some of the best available software plugins. Out of the analogue devices, we want to mark out the lamp compressor.
Here you can use our online mastering service and get the best sound with professional and exclusive analog mastering techniques.
The main rules for sending your tracks to us are: 96 kHz, 48 kHz or 44 kHz, 24 bit .WAV files recorded from -6 dB to -3 dB. The most important thing – your record shouldn’t be compressed before sending to us.

Audio mastering in “Dominanta” record studio

Audio mastering in “Dominanta” record studio
Moore audio mastering tracs demo of differents styles.If you do not find your style demo please let us know. Let’s go!